QuickConsult AI Response System

Develop a versatile app that enables service providers, such as attorneys and consultants, to respond rapidly to client inquiries using AI-assisted video and text responses while integrating past correspondences and documents for tailored and efficient communication.

Project Overview

Our purpose is to create a versatile app empowering professionals to rapidly respond to client inquiries with AI-assisted video and text responses, integrating past correspondences for tailored, efficient communication.

Innovative Key Features

    • Input of client inquiries and/or automatic retrieval of relevant correspondence from email boxes.

    • AI quickly summarizes the inquiry and past interactions for a comprehensive understanding.

    • Ability to upload preset documents or automatically fetch them from email archives for response consistency.

    • AI customizes responses based on historical interactions and standard templates.

    • Instant AI analysis of summaries, with suggestions for response optimization.

    • Quick accept or edit functionality for the service provider.

    • Swift AI-powered search for additional information or precedents from databases or email histories.

    • Time-efficient response formulation tools.

    • AI evaluates video responses for compliance with previous correspondences and overall coherence.

    • Prompt feedback and editing options.

    • Rapid selection of response type and customization based on client history and inquiry specifics.

    • Integration of legal or professional references as needed.

    • Quick review and approval of the final response.

    • Auto-generation of an email with a video response link upon approval.

    • Direct linkage to email platforms for fast response dispatch.

    • Customizable email templates with professional branding and disclaimers.

User Flow

The successful implementation of this project will result in a sophisticated yet user-friendly system that:

Secure and Fast Login:

Immediate access for service providers.

Inquiry and History Retrieval:

Automated fetching of client inquiries and past correspondences.

AI-Powered Summarization:

Quick analysis and response preparation.

Video Response Recording:

Time-bound and efficient video recording.

AI Feedback and Editing:

Immediate adjustments based on AI insights.

Response Dispatch:

Selection of response type and instant emailing.

    • Advanced AI for Speedy Analysis: Capable of summarizing and reviewing inquiries rapidly.

    • Time-Efficient Video Tools: For brief and effective recording.

    • Email and Database Integration: High-speed access to past correspondences and information.

    • Robust Email Connectivity: For quick dispatch of responses.

    • Stringent Security Measures: To protect sensitive client information.

    • Rapid Requirement Gathering: Emphasizing versatile and time-efficient features.

    • Prototype Development for Speed: Initial model with a focus on rapid interaction.

    • AI and Email Integration: Customizing AI for swift analysis and historical data retrieval.

    • Intuitive Interface Design: Prioritizing ease of use and speed.

    • Accelerated Testing Phase: Ensuring app efficiency under strict time constraints.

    • Quick Feedback Incorporation: Fast adjustments for enhanced performance.

    • App Launch: Introduction of the app for efficient professional communication.

    • Integration with various professional management systems.

    • Enhancement of AI for broader and quicker insights.

    • Multilingual support for diverse client interactions.


Project B | Visa Support Letter Writer