Streamlining AI Procurement: Introducing the Procurement of AI Systems Working Group


A New Approach to Government AI Acquisition

The recent formation of the Procurement of AI Systems Working Group, chaired by Dan Ho, marks a significant step in the government's approach to acquiring AI technologies. In 2022, the federal government reportedly spent approximately $3.3 billion on AI products, highlighting the need for efficient and responsible procurement processes. This working group, also comprising members Fred Oswald and Troope Sanders, is tasked with rethinking conventional procurement methods, which are ill-suited for the dynamic nature of AI technologies.

AI development

Embracing Agile AI Procurement Strategies

Catalyst Acceleration, a leader in AI technology solutions, is poised to play a crucial role in assisting the working group. Their expertise aligns perfectly with the group's goal of integrating responsible AI practices into the procurement process. The working group acknowledges that AI technology evolves rapidly, requiring iterative performance evaluation and more agile procurement methodologies.

global AI workforce

Innovations in AI Procurement

The working group is exploring various innovative practices under the existing regulatory framework to improve AI acquisition. These include market research, tech demos, and the use of quality assurance surveillance plans. With Catalyst Acceleration's expertise in these areas, they can provide invaluable guidance and solutions to streamline these processes, ensuring the government procures AI systems that are not only cutting-edge but also ethically and responsibly developed.

AI talent development

Seeking Feedback for Continuous Improvement

As the working group continues to develop recommendations for AI system procurement, the input from various stakeholders is essential. Catalyst Acceleration's network and experience in the AI sector make them an ideal partner for gathering diverse feedback and insights, ensuring the recommendations are well-rounded and effective.


Shaping the Future of Government AI Procurement

The Procurement of AI Systems Working Group, supported by the insights and solutions from Catalyst Acceleration, is set to revolutionize how the government acquires AI technology. Their collaboration is a promising step towards ensuring that AI procurement is agile, responsible, and aligned with the rapid advancements in the field.


Exploring O-1 Visa Pathways for AI Professionals:

For AI professionals seeking information on O-1 visa pathways, visit:

O-1A & O-1B Visa Pathways for AI Professionals

This page delves into the nuances of O-1A and O-1B visas, tailored for individuals with extraordinary abilities in AI. It provides detailed insights into the application process, eligibility criteria, and how AI expertise can be leveraged for these visa categories. Whether you're an AI researcher, developer, or innovator, this page offers the guidance you need to navigate the immigration process successfully.


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